The Satanic Temple Indiana

Founded by Damien Blackmoor and Mara Gorgo, The Indiana Congregation became an official congregation of The Satanic Temple on January 27, 2018. Today, our congregation is led by our Congregation Heads, Minister Coy Brammer and Minister Nick Adversarius. Our internal Leadership Council consists of Thane Attano (Art & Design Coordinator), Minister Raebee Sloan (Archivist), Charles Mastermind (Event Coordinator), Ginger Lay (Social Media Specialist), Minister Melchom Pan (Assistant to the Congregation Heads), Minister Tarkus Ward (Assistant to the Congregation Heads), Minister Leviticus Furfur (Assistant Secretary), Roxxi Solaris (Assistant Secretary) and Madi Quinn (Social Media Specialist Assistant). Our members hail from all corners of the State of Indiana, and work hard to bring positive change to their communities.

This Congregation focuses on community building, charity work, and supporting the mission of The Satanic Temple. We have facilitated several state-specific campaigns including Menstruatin' with Satan (a donation drive collecting menstrual products for local shelters), the Inverted Crossroads (a highway cleanup effort through INDOT's Adopt-a-Highway program), Hounds of Hell (a fundraiser to supply cat and dog food to local animal shelters), and more. We have also participated in The Satanic Temple's international campaigns including fundraising for Religious Reproductive Rights, hosting a destruction ritual for Grey Faction, and working alongside Satanic Good Works for various charity drives.

The Leadership Council

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We are an affiliate of The Satanic Temple, a non-theistic Satanic organization with congregations around the country and abroad. We are the only official congregation in Indiana and represent the entire state. We have members throughout Indiana and do not have a physical location in any city.

  • Please look elsewhere.

  • No, nor do we believe in the existence of Satan or the supernatural. The Satanic Temple believes that religion can, and should, be divorced from superstition. As such, we do not promote a belief in a personal Satan. To embrace the name Satan is to embrace rational inquiry removed from supernaturalism and archaic tradition-based superstitions. Satanists should actively work to hone critical thinking and exercise reasonable agnosticism in all things. Our beliefs must be malleable to the best current scientific understandings of the material world — never the reverse.

  • No. The Satanic Temple holds to the basic premise that undue suffering is bad, and that which reduces suffering is good. We do not believe in symbolic “evil.” We acknowledge blasphemy is a legitimate expression of personal independence from counter-productive traditional norms.

  • Satan is a symbol of the Eternal Rebel in opposition to arbitrary authority, forever defending personal sovereignty even in the face of insurmountable odds. Satan is an icon for the unbowed will of the unsilenced inquirer – the heretic who questions sacred laws and rejects all tyrannical impositions. Our metaphoric representation is the literary Satan best exemplified by Milton and the Romantic Satanists from Blake to Shelley to Anatole France.

  • The idea that religion belongs to supernaturalists is ignorant, backward, and offensive. The metaphorical Satanic construct is no more arbitrary to us than are the deeply held beliefs that we actively advocate. Are we supposed to believe that those who pledge submission to an ethereal supernatural deity hold to their values more deeply than we? Are we supposed to concede that only the superstitious are rightful recipients of religious exemption and privilege? Satanism provides all that a religion should be without a compulsory attachment to untenable items of faith-based belief. It provides a narrative structure by which we contextualize our lives and works. It also provides a body of symbolism and religious practice — a sense of identity, culture, community, and shared values.

  • Our Congregation makes an effort to host events throughout the State in order to accommodate our membership. Our system isn’t perfect and we can’t visit every city and town in the state, but we do make an effort to move around regionally when possible. Please be patient and remember that some travel may be necessary to make an in-person event. For those unable to make our in-person meets, we do host virtual events monthly for members and quarterly for nonmembers.

  • We are a non-theistic Satanic religious organization. We seek to cultivate a space for like-minded individuals, working to mutually support each other in our growth as Satanists. Community engagement and mission-specific activism are essential components of what we do. If advancing our causes is not a primary reason you are thinking of joining, this is probably not the group for you.

  • The Satanic Temple is not a catch-all for every cause. While you may be very passionate about your cause, if it does not promote or advance the specific causes associated with TST and uphold the Seven Tenets, you will not find traction here. We encourage you to seek groups that do. We are also not out to destroy other religions, so please leave personal vendettas at the door. If you are unclear on TST's mission, please visit the main website.

  • The Satanic Temple Indiana Membership Requirements can be found here.

    To join the International Organization, please visit this link.

  • While some Congregations do require you to be a Satanist to become a member, we do not. We accept allies who agree with our ethos, the Seven Tenets, are committed to growing our congregation, and who support TST's national campaigns. That being said, you should have a basic understanding of what The Satanic Temple is before joining.

  • We expect members to help grow our congregation as well as support The Satanic Temple's causes. Members are expected to be active and engaged in our community and attend a minimum of one event every six months. This can be achieved through helping with events, hands-on volunteering, fundamental project logistics, attending in-person or virtual meetings, and more. If you do not meet this minimum requirement, your membership may be terminated.

    Beyond engagement and time, we also uphold a code of conduct that every member is required to sign. We expect professionalism, common courtesy, and respect to those around you. We are all working for the same cause. If you are a part of the congregation, your congregation-mates are your allies. Treat them like it. This group has a zero-tolerance policy for racism, violence (and threats thereof), bigotry, misogyny, transphobia, and the like. We strive to be an inclusive group for all types and races of people and the safety of our membership is paramount. If you cannot abide by this structure, this is not the group for you. Our Co-Chapterheads reserve the right to dismiss a member at any time.

There are 7 fundamental tenets.

I | One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.

II | The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.

III | One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.

IV | The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own.

V | Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs.

VI | People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused.

VII | Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.

Crest image by LUCIANA NEDELEA.

The Satanic Temple

The Satanic Temple Indiana is just one Congregation among many throughout the United States and abroad. Please visit The Satanic Temple’s website for more information on national and international campaigns, recommended literature, Shop Satan, and more!

The mission of The Satanic Temple is to encourage benevolence and empathy among all people, reject tyrannical authority, advocate practical common sense and justice, and be directed by the human conscience to undertake noble pursuits guided by the individual will. Politically aware, civic-minded Satanists and allies in The Satanic Temple have publicly opposed The Westboro Baptist Church, advocated on behalf of children in public school to abolish corporal punishment, applied for equal representation where religious monuments are placed on public property, provided religious exemption and legal protection against laws that unscientifically restrict women's reproductive autonomy, exposed fraudulent harmful pseudo-scientific practitioners and claims in mental health care, and applied to hold clubs along side other religious after school clubs in schools besieged by proselytizing organizations.